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Dress-Red cardi dress with black cerruty and has batik tulis’ appliques-wide lace trims #259 (N/A)Dress-Chocolate lily dress, all size, batik appliques, beaded and wide lace trims #260 (N/A)Long dress-white premium cerutty, all size, beaded with cream lace trim on the neck #261Dress-Angel’s dress, black sateen with combination of expensive batik plankan, fully lace trims and brooches on both sides-reversable #262Dress-Brown layer dress, comb premium cerutty and expensive batik plankan, full lace trims and handcraft brooch #263 Coat-BlackNTosca indian cerruty with details on the neck, very pretty #264Dress-Red angel’s dress, combination of silk and ulos angkola. full lace trims and two handcraft brooches-reversable #265