For more info including the price, please quote the number (eg #101)
Set Blouse N Skirt-Black Solid Satin with Pucca Ragi Hidup Ulos Appliques #180Blouse-BatwingSleeves-Black Floral Batik Satin with Applique and lace-Reversible #181(N/A)Tunic Blouse-Combination Denim with Lurik Motif-Laced and Beaded (bling-bling on the neck) #182(N/A)Blouse-Hanging Sleeves-Combination Navy Solid Satin N Batik Satin-Applique and Laced #183(N/A)Blouse-Sleeves-Combination of Solid Tosca Satin N Batik Prada-Fully Laced #184Blouse-Red Cerutty with Batik Plankan Appliques and Laced plus handcraft ring and brooch #185Blouse-Premium Navy Cerutty with Ulos Angkola Motif’s Tie-Laced with handcraft brooch #186Blouse-Chocolate Premium Cerutty-Batik Plankan’s Tie-Laced with handcraft brooch #187Blouse-Red Premium Cerutty-Batik Laseman’s Tie-Laced and handcraft brooch #188Cardigan-Combination of Yellow Stripped Satin and Plain Satin with a handcraft button #189